Taking part in challenges is a really good way to add marketable work to your portfolio and gain valuable experience. There are so many great challenges out there. One of my favourites so far is the 3×3 challenge, run by Sketch Design Repeat’s Shannon McNab. And following on from that, the 2020 Christmas Art Countdown.

Kiwi Christmas surface pattern design collection knitted jumpers pohutukawa little blue penguin santa hat beach
Kiwi Christmas surface pattern design collection gingerbread
Kiwi Christmas surface pattern design collection kakabeak ngutukaka garland kereru wood pigeon harakeke flax stars southern cross

The brief involves following a list of prompts to create daily Christmas art, whether it’s a surface pattern or standalone illustration.

Time was short, being in the process of selling house and moving to the other end of the country. But I managed to complete 6 of the 24 prompts and put a Kiwi twist on most of them.

Kiwi Christmas surface pattern design collection skating christmas words
Kiwi Christmas surface pattern design collection maori nutcracker warriors
Kiwi Christmas surface pattern design collection kakabeak ngutukaka garland kereru wood pigeon harakeke flax stars southern cross little blue penguin gingerbread maori warrior nutcrackers knitted jumpers pohutukawa bauble


I’m continuing to develop my surface pattern design style, and currently love incorporating a NZ theme to my work. I do think, however, that there is room for experimentation in my next collection.

  • Design execution
  • Creative style
  • Result
  • Moondog happiness meter
Kiwi Christmas surface pattern design collection kakabeak ngutukaka garland kereru wood pigeon harakeke flax stars southern cross